
About Me

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My name is Charles Yu and I am currently a 3rd year at CSUF as a business major. I also work at an Ice Rink over the weekends and whenever I find free time, I go out longboarding, biking, or on special occasions, snowboarding and wakeboarding. One thing I hate to do is sit still at home and do nothing However, what I love to do especially is go longboarding, due to its accessibility and the activity itself. People usually on see others longboarding on campus just to get to point a to point b, but there is whole scene of longboarding that people are unaware of.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Different Types of Longboards

There are different types of Longboards, but the most favorite brand and style are that from Loaded Longboards and they provide a variety of longboards all meant for different styles.

Longboarder Legend: Adam Colton

Probably the most popular person in the world of longboarding is Adam Colton.  The most experienced rider and the most well balanced in all skill sets.  Always seen in videos with his partner in crime Adam Stokowski (together is Adam Squared), they are the legends of longboarding.  With a wacky personality, he surprises everyone with his moves on a longboard.

Adam Colton

Adam Squared

Hand Tricks

Hand tricks is the style that I focus on the most.  In the name itself, you use your hands to incorporate your trick.  Since a longboard is a lot harder and heavier to pop than a normal skateboard, you can create a whole new set of tricks using your hands such as Boneless, Tiger Claw, and Finger Flips.  Rider Alex Limbach is my favorite rider who is very popular in this skillset.

Flat Top

DH Racing and Free Riding

To the thrilling and fun part, Downhill racing and Free Riding are somewhat similar in styles, but DH racing is simply competitive racing which the riders can reach up to speeds of up to 30-40mph down mountain roads.  Free Riding is simply less competitive, more for the riders who want to go downhill without the competitiveness.  While DH racers just aim for speed, they  are able to slide or "drift" on turns, and Free Riders add more style such as 180 power slides, stalefishes, slashes, and etc.

DH Racing

Free Riding


With the length of the longboard to your advantage instead of regular skateboard length, it provides a small floor space for the rider to "dance" on.  There are techniques such as Cross-Stepping, Peter Pan, and Lookbacks.



Not the longboarding surfing, longboarding as in a long skateboard.  Watching people riding this board with comfort and ease around campus, people are unaware of the potential that the board has.  Although they are not regular skateboard tricks, a longboard introduces new styles and tricks to the table such as dancing, hand tricks, freeriding, downhill racing, and other tricks.  It is a whole scene not really recognized by the world, shadowed by the popular skateboarders, that provides a thrilling and fun experience.